Thoughts Of The Moment from Katie's Dad

Location: Near Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Paris and Scooter

Has anyone noticed that Paris Hilton has done more jail time than Scooter Libby?

And while I am on the subject of Scooter ....

George Bush and Oliver Cromwell ..... What do they have in common?

A quote of Cromwell's that says how I feel after the Scooter Libby all but pardon.
Cromwell to Parliment on April 20, 1653:"You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately… Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"

OK so I stole that from Keith Olbermann .... I liked it!