Location: Near Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin

Friday, April 28, 2006

Another Example Of Our Failed President

A peice in Daily Kos about New Orleans eight months after Katrina. I keep looking but I am hard pressed to find anything our President is doing right. Maybe it is just my mood ... maybe it is true.

"This is the reality of the rebuilding process. For eight months, we've seen piecemeal funding--drip, drip, drip--demonstrating that Congress and the President refuse to acknowledge that this may well be the costliest disaster in American history. Their actions reveal that they simply have not accepted that part of America has been utterly destroyed, that Americans are still scattered across our nation living as nomads without a home, and that slow action is just as much of a failure as no action at all."

Daily Kos Things Aren't Going Swimmingly In New Orleans


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