Location: Near Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin

Sunday, October 14, 2007

War And Death

I came across this while I was skipping through blogs. It was written by David Hardt who is a soldier in the Stryker Brigade. He has just returned from Iraq. It is just so well written. A must read if you are anti-war, pro-war, or whatever.

"It can happen to anyone at any given time, anywhere — and that is facing mortality. It can happen to the best quality person, one who tries to do the right thing in life. Or it can happen to a person who takes life for granted, making everyone around him miserable. You read the paper and watch the news, and there is something tragic happening every day of the hour across the globe. It's a fact that once we are born we begin to die. But it's how you will die that reaches out and makes you think on occasion. How will I die? Will it be painful? Who will be there? Where will I be? Will I be able to say my last words? ..... "

Read All Blag-ah: David Hart


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