Simple Thoughts On Life

This is a copy of a posting by Sandy a friend of mine on MySpace. I don't think truer words have ever been written I don't need to add a thing.
Date: Mar 19, 2006 4:36 PM
Today has been one of those days for me where you have commitments - things you really don't want to do on your 'Sunday' but things that you must do as a friend.
To make it short and sweet, I attended a memorial service for a dear friend's brother this morning and a wake this evening for one of my daughter's best friends dad's who unexpectedly passed on very short notice.
Today has placed me in a very retrospective state of mind - has made me think about what one has and sometimes never even realizes until it is no longer there. With that said, I have only a few things to say.
Live every day to it's fullest - enjoy the sunshine, breathe the air, if it's raining - listen to the sounds it brings.
Always tell anyone and everyone in your life that you love them - either on the phone, walking out the door or in an e-mail you never know if you will have that opportunity again. Never go away from a loved one angry with words of love unsaid.
Don't wallow in sorrow for yourself and what you may not have or may have missed out on, but rejoice in everything you do have - health - family, loved ones - a place keep you warm.
Treasure every moment that you have on this earth - treasure every relationship that you have - they are so precious and one doesn't know from one day to the next if you will have that opportunity.
Smile, smile, smile - share yourself with others in a positive manner - so they will remember you with fond thoughts.
So much for the rambling.....simply said - live, love, laugh - you may not have tomorrow to enjoy that opportunity.
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