Location: Near Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hillary '08

Let the games begin!

From Rolling :

"And I want you to join me not just for the campaign but for a conversation about the future of our country -- about the bold but practical changes we need to overcome six years of Bush administration failures."
-- Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, last week

"I'm pleased to be able to share this National Conversation, because that is what this election ought to be: not a shouting match, but a conversation with the American people about our ideas, our values and our plan for a stronger America."
-- Presidential candidate John Kerry, to the Democratic Leadership Council, May 7th, 2004

" .... Which brings us to Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton announced her run for president last week. Now it was her turn to slip the "national conversation" line four sentences into her first speech as a national presidential candidate. You have to wonder what it says about a political candidate when she runs out of her own ideas less than fifty words into her national sojourn ...."

Read the entire story at Rolling Stone.

THE LOW POST: In It to Spin It
Hillary gets off to a smashing start


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