Quail Hunting

Ok now sing with me ... To the Aerosmith song ... "Cheney's got a gun, Cheney's got a gun ... ". What goes on with these people? He couldn't even call the BOSS till Monday? Think what would happen if you or I shot someone and didn't tell. I mean I know hunting accidents happen (I'll stick to fishing myself) But you don't shoot if you don't know what you are shooting at. Kind of like Iraq. Shoot first and figure out what you hit later!

Now his I found too funny. But I did "borrow" it. So go to my friends at Wonkette to read more.
For Future Reference
Update 2/14/06 - 1:58PM Just had on the news. So maybe Cheney did have it in for the poor lawyer. Oh never mind. They say it was a heart attack ..... I guess that will happen to anybody who hears the words "The VP would like to go quail hunting with you."
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