Bush didn't know? What again?

After all that has gone on you would think you heard it all. Iraq, WMD, Katrina, sir Cheney's hunting problems, and on and on. You would think the president would make it his business to hear it all. After all it IS his business. But no not George.
Than came the ports .....
Seen on MSNBC.com "The White House said Wednesday that Bush was unaware of the pending sale until the deal already had been approved by his administration". What?
Bush faces rebellion on ports deal - MSNBC.com
From the New York Times "...which is already turning to the question of whether the Bush administration cut some corners in speeding the review through the approval process, to avoid the scrutiny that could touch off a political firestorm".
Big Problem, Dubai Deal or Not - The New York Times
And on it goes ... As George Bush's (and by default our) world turns.
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