Miracle On Ice ... No Not This Time

Twenty six days to the day. One miracle on ice ... One flame out. I can remember watching in 1980. It was a Sunday morning. I was never prouder to be an American and a hockey fan. Now I am too embarrassed to watch. Millionaire spoiled "kids" who would rather complain (see Mike Modano) than win. I thought they were going to be different this time. Going to the woman's games and practicing with them. But in the end it was the same as last time and the time before that. Maybe in 2010 the next generation will take over and show us something. Than again with these guys to show them the way ... Maybe not.
In the New York Times - "Mike Modano, the star, trashed whatever was left of the team he was supposed to lead ... Twenty-six years after a group of amateurs from the United States staged a so-called miracle to upset the Soviet Union, Olympic hockey was reminded of the downside that well-heeled professionals can bring to the Games. Even though some other Olympic teams took charter flights to Turin, and the United States did not, it was unlikely that Modano would receive much sympathy from the curlers, the bobsledders and the aerial skiers. ... The United States cannot stay, and they have not learned how to leave". Nothing Inspirational About Modano and American Team - NYT
New York Daily News - Modano goal:whine, not win
And than there was Canada. Now that is a whole new story ....
Great Depression, Gretzky 'devastated after Canada's loss - The Calgary Sun
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