Location: Near Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin

Monday, March 27, 2006

Thoughts Of War

On February 25, 2006, after the bombing of the Askariya Shrine, I had written:

"I have nothing but support for all the troops and the war effort. But there comes a point where I just have to think the hell with them. They don't want us there. They blame us for everything. And all they want to do is kill each other in the name of Allah. I am mad and tired of it and I say LET THEM!"

It didn't take me long to get over that feeling. I don't know if we should have ever gone into Iraq. I did support it at the time and support our being there now. I am not one for cutting and running. We should have learned that lesson in Somalia. We helped create the mess. Some would say we made the mess all on our own. Either way we have to help fix it. I don't think, as some do, that we make it worse by being there.

However after some of the articles I read over the weekend I really do wonder if we know what is going on.


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